Swedish Massage
A Swedish Massage uses firm, long and flowing massage strokes moving the direction of blood flow promoting relaxation and tension relief, no pain or elbows involved! A massage that provides a truly relaxing experience.
A full body treatment includes: Legs, back, shoulders, arms, neck and scalp. I work with you as an individual, if you would like more time spent on a specific area mentioned then we can work out a routine that suits you.
I will feedback any areas of tension that I find and that would need deeper or different massage techniques after the massage; I will not treat these at your appointment as this will contradict your relaxing experience. We can get to grips with soft tissue problems with a Deep Tissue or Targeted Soft Tissue Massage (Sports massage).
This treatment is only offered by: El
Are you looking for something with a little more pressure focusing on releasing the tension in deeper muscles and soft tissue? If so have a look at our Deep Tissue Massage.
Do you have a particular area on your body that requires a more focused treatment? If so have a look at our Targeted Soft Tissue Massage (Sports massage).
Upper Body
Focusing on Back, Shoulders, Neck and Scalp
45 minutes
Full Body
Focusing on Legs, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Neck and Scalp
60 minutes
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