Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to provide my own towels?
The only thing you need to bring/have is yourself (and your wallet!).
I’m worried I will have to get undressed in front of someone.
Rest assured we will do the initial consultation then once that’s complete, we leave the room to let you get ready and onto the table where you can put the towel over you to cover you up.
What should I wear?
All clients must wear underwear for any type of massage. We insist towels/draping's are used also over areas that are not massaged.
For sports massage treatments it is handy if you have shorts and a vest top/sports bra as we do an assessment of your posture and alignment before getting onto the table.
I have a disability which means I cannot get onto a massage table or lay down, does this mean I can’t have a massage?
No, absolutely not, massage is to be enjoyed by anyone, (a minimal amount of medical conditions mean that massage is not suitable) regardless of ability.
We adapt the environment to suit your needs, we have clients that sit on their own beds, clothed, some can sit on our massage chair. We also have clients that are bed bound, we adapt the routine to enable them to enjoy a massage in their own environment.
I’m getting on a bit and I can’t get myself onto the couches as they are quite high.
Don’t worry, we provide a step for anyone that needs it to help. We are also on hand if you wish us to help you.
When will I be able to go running again?
We get these questions a lot and unfortunately, we cannot tell you a timescale of treatment, this would be unprofessional. We can, however, treat your injury and provide stretches for you to do at home to aid in a faster recovery time. Every body recovers differently, what would be 6 weeks for 1 person could be 4 for another or longer, it depends on the individual.
I’ve done something to my knee, can you tell me what?
We as massage therapists, cannot and will not diagnose, we treat the muscles and soft tissues to aid in mobility of joints and healing of injuries, we can get your muscles to optimum level for you to strengthen them, this in turn helps stabilise your joints.
Once you have a diagnosis from another allied health professional such as GP or Physiotherapist, we can tailor a treatment plan for your diagnosis.
Can I get emergency treatment?
Massage should not be used within the 1st 72 hours of an injury, therefore, if you ask for an appointment within this time, we can provide treatment advice over the phone or direct you to another health profession that could help but it would be detrimental to you to massage an injury that is in is acute stage of healing.
If you still have questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.